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Convert To Gerber Files

How to check gerber files
  1. Dxf To Gerber Conversion

Dxf To Gerber Conversion

Convert To Gerber Files

Getting the best out of EAGLE CAD: Upload V.6 and higher BRD files directly onto Eurocircuits websiteIf you are using EAGLE V6 or higher, you can upload the native EAGLE BRD files directly into PCB Visualizer to check your layout, calculate a price or place an order. To upload the BRD files, just select them using Browse in the “Upload your data” box. PCB Visualizer will automatically recognize and process them. This is faster and more convenient than first using the CAM processor to generate the Gerber data and then uploading it into PCB Visualizer.With direct upload you retain complete control over the critical data transfer from designer to fabricator. PCB Visualizer shows you on screen the PCB layers just as they have been imported. PCB Checker then shows any design rule issues detected in the data.

Convert To Gerber Files

Each issue is pinpointed on the board layout with a clear presentation of the value required by the order or the design rules and the value measured in the data. Backed by Eurocircuits’ smart menus, wizards and data validation rules PCB Visualizer makes the ordering process faster, safer and simpler.You can see the complete and unaltered EAGLE layer structure in the Buildup wizard. Click on the “Buildup” button. The complete structure is shown in the “Imported Layers” pane. There you can assign or un-assign the EAGLE layers to the Buildup as required.IMPORTANT NOTE:2 EAGLE layers are NOT visible as separate EAGLE layers in the Imported layers section: “17 – Pads” and “18 – Vias”.